About Me

Me in Kuwait 2011
I am a full time writer, father of six children (three boys and three girls), and Grandfather to two wonderful little girls. I am an American, currently living in the Philippines but consider myself a citizen of the world. I have lived in 14 states and 8 countries so far and visited more places than I care to remember. 

Before getting into the fields of Water, Wastewater, and Environmental Remediation, I worked my way through college as a chef and never lost my love of all things food. I even married a chef.

My background in Chemistry, Biology and Environmental Work led me to take a hard look at what we put into our bodies, where it comes from and what it is doing to us and our planet. That is where the inspiration for this blog comes from

When I look at my Granddaughters I wonder what kind of life will they have. I had the joy of growing up in clean air and eating fresh whole food grown by my own family. I would wish the same life for them.

Hippocrates told us, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." that is still good advice today.

1 comment:

  1. Good morning! I've nominated you for a Liebster Award! :) Check it out: http://www.foodretro.com/?p=8611


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