Thursday, February 14, 2013

Pesto Pork Stuffed Tomatoes Recipe

Pesto Pork Stuffed Tomatoes

State fruit - TomatoHere is my second gift as promised this a dish that everyone seems to appreciate. It is simple to prepare, if you already have the pesto sauce prepared. It takes an extra 15 minutes if you don’t. You can reference my Pesto Recipe posted on 2/9/2013.  I don’t give any amounts for the ingredients here because it depends on the tomatoes you choose. You can use larger varieties and serve this as the main dish of a course; use medium varieties for a side dish or my personal favorite use smaller tomatoes and serve as an appetizer.

Tomatoes (ripe but firm)

Pork ground

Parsley chopped

pesto (Photo credit: balhisay)
Wash your tomatoes and cut off the tops ¼ of the way down. Scoop out the pulp and seeds but be sure to leave about ¼ inch of the wall intake. Next in a bowl mix 1 part ground pork and 1 part Mozzarella into 2 parts Pesto. This can be adjusted according to your taste. I like a strong Pesto taste. Stuff your mix into your tomato shells and place on a buttered cookie sheet. This is where it gets a little complicated, you need to bake the tomatoes but the temperature and time will depend on the size of your tomatoes.  As a general guide medium tomatoes should be cooked at 300 degrees for about 15 minutes, smaller ones at 350 for 5-7 minutes. Here is a hint, check them with a toothpick, just like a cake. If the mozzarella is well melted half way down they are done. If your shells start to split they are overdone.  Remove from oven sprinkle with more mozzarella and garnish on top with parsley and chives. Enjoy!
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