Thursday, February 28, 2013

book review: Animal, Vegitable Miracle

By: Barbara Kingsolver

I have just finished reading a wonderful book. It was a gift from my wife’s aunt and a wonderful gift it was. It is “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle” by Barbara Kingsolver. It is not a cookbook but definitely a foodie book. Barbara is an award winning poet and story teller with amazing writing skills.

In this book Barbara takes along on her and her families’ quest to live one year on only what they can grow or buy locally. They move from Phoenix Arizona to the lower Appalachians, where her husband still owns a farm, and start their new life off the Food Industry chain. No California fruits or vegetables in winter, no Mexican melons, only the food grown on their own farm or the farms of their neighbors.

Along with the tale of their trials and triumphs, Barbara gives us an education in the American Food Industry. From the development of GM plants and elimination of heirloom species to transportation cost and effects on American Food Culture she takes us to school. Full of links of where to find almost anything whole food related, this book is an invaluable resource to have.

If you enjoy an entertaining story full of lively characters and don’t mind learning something along the way, you will fall in love with this book.

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